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Resident Committees

The Rules

Article VII of the Bylaws of Odessa National Maintenance Corporation specifies that the maintenance corporation executive board has the power to create any number of committees within the community. Each committee will be comprised of members of the executive board in addition to residents. The committees will establish their own rules of governance in accordance with the master covenants.


The individual committees will establish a set time for meetings to discuss objectives and action items. For voting purposes within the committee, a majority of the committee's members will constitute a quorum, and a majority vote in the affirmative is required in all cases for any measures brought forward to pass.


The president of the board serves as an ex officio member on all committees.



Landscaping Committee

The landscaping committee will meet periodically to review the current landscaping plan in the community. The main purpose will be to ensure that the existing landscaping is being maintained properly. They will also review suggestions and feedback from the community about how the landscaping can be improved as well as bring forth their own suggestions. This may be in the form of new landscaping features (e.g. flowers, trees, fixtures, etc…), changes to existing landscaping, and overall enhancements to the aesthetic appearance of the community. The committee will present their findings to the maintenance corporation executive board and subsequently the community. Any proposed improvements will be brought to all members of the maintenance corporation (e.g. the entire community) for a vote.


Current Odessa National Landscaping Committee Members

David Nitkowski (Committee Chairperson) - Lynemore

Wallace Williams (current board member) - Ravenglass

James Coleman - Ravenglass

Zach Duphily - Camerton

Tyrone Hall - Tweedsmere

Gina Maynard - Avonbridge

Ray Taylor - Lynemore

Louis Saunders - Aviemore



Architectural Review Committee

One of the benefits of living in a deed restricted community is that property values tend to be more stable and protected since homeowners are expected to abide by the deed restrictions. The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is responsible for reviewing and ensuring that any exterior home improvements meet the guidelines set forth in the deed restrictions. This committee will review submitted plans for home improvements and present them to the maintenance corporation executive board for review and approval. The ARC will also be involved with reviewing violation reports prepared by the management company and bringing items of concern to the attention of the maintenance corporation executive board.


Current Odessa National Architectural Review Committee Members

Crystal Barr (Committee Chairperson - current board member) - Tweedsmere

Douglas Krantz - Avonbridge

Andrew Leach - Lynemore

James Coleman - Ravenglass

Zach Duphily - Camerton

Tyrone Hall - Tweedsmere

Jeremy Manista - Camerton

Jackie Sharpe - Tweedsmere



Social Committee

The social committee will have two main responsibilities in the community. These will be the community park, and community events. The social committee will plan and coordinate community-based events such as social get-togethers and gatherings, seasonal events, and activities. They will also review suggestions and feedback from the community about social activities and how the community park can be improved. The committee will present their findings to the maintenance corporation executive board and subsequently the community. Any suggested events and improvements will be brought to all members of the maintenance corporation (e.g. the entire community) for a vote.


Current Odessa National Social Committee Members

Stacy Thompson (Committee Chairperson - current board member) - Aviemore

Yuliana Goldin - Tweedsmere

Kristan Anthony - Aviemore

Nicole Bryant - Watchgate

Gina Maynard - Avonbridge

Ken Speir - Avonbridge



As new committees are formed and members are added/changed, this listing will be updated.


Any resident of Odessa National who would like to be considered for a committee should fill out the Application for Committee Membership form by clicking the link below:




A community is only as strong as the people who live within it

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