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What about Sheds?

Here are some common questions and thoughts about sheds in the area.

Q: Can I put a shed in my backyard?

A: Yes – with the only exception being if your home lot is directly touching/adjacent to the golf course. If you are touching/adjacent to the golf course, you are not permitted to have any kind of outbuilding on your property.

Q: How big can my shed be?

A: The deed restrictions allow for a maximum aggregate size for outbuildings of 10’ x 8’ x 14’ (length x width x height). This is an aggregate size which means you can have multiple outbuildings on your property, but the COMBINED size cannot exceed 10’ x 8’. For example, you can have a single shed which is 10’ x 8’ or two sheds which are each 5’ x 4’.

Q: Can I just go to Lowes or Home Depot and buy a shed?

A: No. There are strict requirements for the construction of sheds (or other outbuildings). Sheds are required to be constructed using the same materials and colors as your home. In most cases, this means vinyl siding, shingled roofing, and door/window trims that match the colors of your home. Sheds constructed of plastic, metal, steel/gable, etc… are not permitted.

Q: Where should I put a shed on my property?

A: The deed restriction requirements state that a shed should be no closer to the street than the rear-most wall of your home (typically the building setback line). In most cases, you can put a shed anywhere in your backyard. If you live on a corner lot however, you must be sure not to be too close to the street on your side yard as well. As a rule of thumb, putting a shed directly behind your home is a good option.

Q: So how do I proceed with getting a shed?

A: First thing first – contact the Maintenance Corporation by putting in an Architectural Review request. The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) will review your plans to see if a shed can be placed on your property and where it should be placed. Upon receiving approval, you can proceed with the purchase or construction of your shed.

Q: Screw the HOA, I am going to put up what I want and not ask anyone!

A: Well that’s not very nice! You can certainly go this route, but the Maintenance Corporation executive board will inspect and issue a violation notice minimally for not going through the review and approval process. If you put a shed on your property that does not comply with the deed restrictions and cannot be approved, the board is required to take appropriate action up to and including arranging removal of the shed.

Q: I didn’t know about/didn’t read the restrictions (even though it’s my responsibility to do so) and I purchased a shed that does not comply with the restrictions. What can I do?

A: This is a tricky situation which is why we say to ALWAYS get approval first. If the shed/outbuilding is constructed with the wrong materials (e.g. you purchased a metal shed from Lowes), the shed will need to be removed. We will not make exceptions to this. If the materials are right but the colors are wrong, the shed will need to be painted to match your home.

If the shed is too large, the maintenance corporation board has at its discretion the ability to grant an exception to the size requirement but will only do so in EXTREMELY limited circumstances.

Always get approval BEFORE making a purchase. It will make it easier for everyone.


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